crimas, or trying to draw robins when all you know is pigeons

Hello. It is Christmas time. Yule time. That winter time. I hope it is lovely for you and your family, and that the new year that is coming up, 2024 is a good year.

When trying to draw these little guys, I realised how effective just a bit of red is for doing a robin.

the return


It is 2023, and halfway through – somehow.

The whole lockdown thing and such really burnt me out. For a good year before I did one of these every weekday. Somehow I fell out of that routine (and off the face of the planet it seemed), but… The infinity pigeon returns! And by that I mean, I’m going to write and draw more over time. Not the actual return of the infinity pigeon in the comics, the search for it will continue. Or maybe it has returned. Such is how the search goes on.